Today was the first day of the into the woods STEMmersion. We started off the day by doing a reading. A few members in the class took turns reading. It was sort of an introduction to this course. Since this was the first day there were many people who we didn't know so we did an activity to help us get to know everyone. First, we traced our hands down on a piece of paper. We then wrote 1 thing about us on each finger and went around the class telling people about ourselves. When we were done we signed each others papers and we were completely finished when we had everyone's signature. After we were done with that activity, we did a new one. This one was to help us get used to crossing murky waters since we are going to go canoeing and kayaking soon. We were split up into two teams and each team was given 4 blocks of wood. We then used this wood to get our whole team to cross a certain length before the other team. This activity required lots of teamwork.
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